15 August …Always
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15 August …Always

The tricolour flutters in the monsoon breeze. Its bright colours dazzle in the backdrop of the grey skies. It happens every year as it infuses a fresh dose of patriotism into our weary minds. Preparations for the Independence Day celebrations start off days ahead with much-needed fervour. But this year, something seems different. The atmosphere is charged, the spirits high and the tricolour ready to dominate the skies in full glory, announcing its presence to the world.

Boys Don’t Cry … Really? Ills of Gender Stereotyping

Boys Don’t Cry … Really? Ills of Gender Stereotyping

The other day while watching TV, I saw the ending of an ad where the once-upon-a-time big-screen diva Madhuri Dixit was saying something about boys don’t make others cry. As I had not seen the complete ad, this little teaser intrigued me and I wanted to see the whole of it. I sat in front of the idiot box, like an idiot, waiting for the ad to reappear.  It was sometime before I was able to break free from its hypnotic grasp and think.

A Historical Legacy
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A Historical Legacy

What do we plan to leave behind for the generations to come? An exhausted and pillaged planet? Loads of plastic waste? A world divided on petty and frivolous excuses? Or do we want them to feel grateful for their inheritance? Maybe a better quality of life? A proud heritage? A rich cultural legacy? Individual decisions are based on individual circumstances but as a generation of people what are we leaving behind? I’ve often wondered about this and the answers are always different.