15 August …Always
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15 August …Always

The tricolour flutters in the monsoon breeze. Its bright colours dazzle in the backdrop of the grey skies. It happens every year as it infuses a fresh dose of patriotism into our weary minds. Preparations for the Independence Day celebrations start off days ahead with much-needed fervour. But this year, something seems different. The atmosphere is charged, the spirits high and the tricolour ready to dominate the skies in full glory, announcing its presence to the world.

The Agni in the Agnipath scheme

The Agni in the Agnipath scheme

Ever since the Govt declared the Agnipath scheme, it’s been in the headlines more for the violence it has triggered across the nation than for what’s it about. So much so that there are more news articles telling us what’s burning where rather than what’s the reason for such anguish. Even before we could understand the proposal, our overzealous unemployed brethren have gone on a rampage destroying the Govt property of the very same Govt they want to work for. It’s really confusing, at least for me.